Computer has become one of the most prominent electronic devices from the field of technology. The infinite service provided by the internet is amazing! Its impact on the society and the entire human civilization is predominant. Its tremendous influence on the society continues to change our world for a better tomorrow. The technologists continue to explore new horizon of computer and internet for the betterment of mankind.
The internet technology has thrown open the doors of a wide base of knowledge, information, entertainment and countless data from all over the world. Every person can be a part of virtual world through the internet technology. The power of network is such that it has affected our lives in all the fields of life. The major advantage of internet is its application in education field.
The fast and relatively low cost access is one of the major benefits of internet to people and students all over the world, as getting internet connection is easy. Communication and information are the two most important advantages of the internet in education. The role of computers in education helps in learning and better understanding. Students can contact other students or their teachers via email if they have any queries about any subjects. Sharing of information or discussion on any particular subject can be easily carried out through internet.
Moreover, the teachers can easily contact parents and guardians via internet to know about students activities or to give information to parents about their progress in studies. It is most useful for completing projects in schools and colleges. As it is an ocean of information, internet is very helpful in research work; it works faster than reading an entire book on the subject!
The encyclopedia of different subjects available on the internet works amazingly! Kids and younger children are largely benefited by the pictures, videos and images projected on their screen. The parents need to guide and monitor their children according to their age groups. Kids laptops are in vogue as they are portable, strongly built using plastic casing and beautifully designed to attract the attention of the kids.
College students learning politics can have access to current world affairs through the internet at home, school campus or any other place. The students prefer to buy refurbished computers or cheap computers for this purpose, because they are always on a move and constantly need their own PC. As new branded machines may be expensive for the students, used computers come to their rescue. The refurbished computers work efficiently, accurately and faster.
The trend of distance learning or online certification has compelled the students to buy their personal computers to remain mobile. The refurbished laptops are in great demand nowadays as it fulfills the need of students to achieve their goal, build their educational career and enter into a good profession later in life.
Although there are many disadvantages of internet, as unethical information and harmful sites are attacking your computers and penetrating into your homes, parents must be vigilant on this ensuing danger. If we use internet positively, it’s a blessing in disguise. Hence, importance of internet in education cannot be ignored. Every student has a right to be given access to the internet for deeper understanding of knowledge.

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