Over the past few decades, technology has grown at an exponential rate providing modern society with many of it’s creature comforts. All these gadgets and devices have developed the standard of living for humanity so much that we simply cannot live without them. These gadgets and devices include cell phones, television, the internet, computers, iPhones, iPods, consoles like the Wii and many more. It is possible to live without them however. For all it’s wonders, technology also has a downside, which is that fact that as it progresses; people will become and will continue to turn more lazy.
As mentioned already, modern technology has become ingrained the in fiber of all of human society but it has brought a terrible condition with it. Modern technology can make people lazy, selecting to sit on their butts looking at an electron screen for hours rather than doing something outside or exercising. The internet is a fountain of information but it has become more obvious over the last few years that people tend to go to communities that have similar ideologies and views and avoid those with differing opinions. What is created is homogeneous online communities with no discrepancy and a big subverting of the foundations of democracy.
Traveling by vehicles like cars or buses are a necessity in the modern world, but these habits are what makes the world appear so bone-lazy nowadays. Many people now are too lazy to even commit themselves to taking a walk around the block to your destination. Now a days everyone possesses a car that they can and do take everywhere, even if it’s just a teensy walking distance down the street or around the corner. I am not trying to appear as a luddite as technology has evidently made cars and almost everything in life much safer to be in or around. Car companies love to brag about how their newest vehicle have high crash test ratings, and numerous of air bags which is something to be proud of. So while the new innovations in cars may make people more aloof, cars are essential in life so maybe the innovations in safety are more important then the lazy factor.
One of the great innovations, cell phones have connected humanity closer than ever before. Cellphones have allowed anybody, anywhere to call anyone, anywhere with a touch of a few buttons (assuming the signal is well and you are willing the pay additional fees). Cellphones have however led to the growth of the ‘texting’ culture and it’s execrations of our language and conversation skills but it’s just a small price to pay for the networking of the human race.
Video games have congealed themselves in modern culture as a great outlet for entertainment, learning and refreshment. Despite what you listen from soccer moms about how video games develop kids to become terrorists, video games actually have an result like to those movies you see in theaters. They allow you to become someone else and feel things from a brand new perspective which is great for personal maturation. Video games are also great for social gatherings and encountering people.
Technology is impressive, it has changed humanity for the better and bettered the standards of living for everyone in ways that we couldn’t even believe were possible. Modern technology has some faults but for all the good it has done, it is more than worth it. Tools for social networking, better safety for everything, entertainment and a great deal more, technology is wonderful as long as you maintain a level of self-command.

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