PlayStation 3 Vs Xbox 360 The Long Battle Continues

Today the video game industry is dominated by three huge companies that seem to dominate the video gaming market completely, these companies are Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo. The battles really goes way back, from a long time ago, when the available video games consoles were nothing but simple heavy boxes, with low graphics quality, but still they were the ones dominating the gaming market back then. But from the many video game companies that came out other than Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo, the time that has passed has placed a lot of the weaker ones out of business leaving today the three biggest video game companies of all time which are Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, but the battle just never ends between Sony and Microsoft, both fighting for the spotlight and also to lead and dominate this industry. It seems like the battle just begun.

Sony has held the tittle of the best video game maker for many years consecutively, while comparing to Microsoft. A few years ago we had PlayStation 2 already out in a battle against Microsoft’s original console the Xbox. Only a few would dare to mention that Xbox was better than PlayStation 2, but a few years later when Microsoft released the amazing Xbox 360 all eyes were amazed and Xbox 360 held the attention of the media and gamers for more than a year. Xbox 360 came out with all the power that a new generation console could handle, beautiful graphics and just a super fast processor, among many other great features..

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As time passed by after the release of the Xbox 360 millions of people worldwide, both media and gamers were already expecting the arrival of the new PlayStation 3, many gamers already knew what were some of the features of the new machine but no one had had a first up close view of the console until it finally came out, been released in Japan on November 11, 2006 around 07:00am and reaching it’s release in the United States on November 17, 2006.

When Microsoft was faced with Sony’s latest video game console, their whole comparison chart was simply destroyed, PS3 came out with features that Xbox 360 couldn’t even come close, and some of these features were a beautiful top of the line built-in Blu-ray player, a fast Wifi built-in networking card and an amazing backwards compatibility. Sony had invested so much on their console that they were selling their units below cost price. Meaning the were losing hundreds of dollars on every sale! But thankfully after this though time passed Sony was able to withstand the barriers created and have prosperity coming their way.

Just as the years passed so did the age of both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, allowing each company to deliver improvements and new features in their consoles. Xbox 360 was upgraded to the new Xbox 360 Slim, which includes many of the powerful features that PS3 carries, but it includes a faster built in Wifi card, way faster than PS3’s original wifi card. PlayStation’s latest model is also a Slim version, but includes basically the same features, but PS3 today is still considered more powerful and better than Xbox 360.

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