Hi my name is Nigel, I am writing this article today to inform you of some very exciting advancements in the telecom world. Do you or someone you know have a home phone? Most people will say yes even if they don’t use it they have it. Also if you have a home phone you probably have calling features, and they cost you every month weather you use them or not. So let me ask you a question, have you heard of VOIP? That is voice over internet protocol. Do you know what that means? Well let me tell you, technology has changed so much that now there is a phone that can be connected to your internet and you use it like your home phone. If you haven’t seen it let me explain. Recently I was told about this new phone called a video phone. When I saw it I was amazed. I am not kidding you, right away I saw so many advantages to this technology. But like most I was skeptical to say the least. Also very interested. What I learned and want to share with you is that this new technology is rapidly replacing our old technology. What I mean is that everything we have like music television, photography is going digital. So it is only a matter of time before the last thing the telephone goes digital also, it’s happening right now.
Do you have friends or family that live in another country, state, or province? Would you like to talk to them more? What if you could see them not only hear their voice? That is what I am talking about, a phone that allows you to see and her in digital format. That is not the best part. This phone is just like your home phone, with a local phone number. But this phone and phone number are also portable. That’s right you can take the phone with you and if family or friends want to call you no matter where you are in the world. They can dial your local number and your phone will ring where ever you are in the world, provided you have internet access of course. Try that with your current home phone. Also if your friends or family have a video phone you will not only hear their voice but you can see their face. Did I mention that this video phone comes with all the calling features at no extra cost? That’s right call forwarding, call display, conference calling, etc all included at no extra cost. This VOIP technology is changing the way we communicate.
I was also amazed to find out that this phone with all of it’s features and functions is less expensive than my old home phone, the one plugged into the wall. When I found out all that I wanted to know more. What I found out got me really excited. So I called all my relatives and friends and told them about this video phone and how much money they could save and all the features they would gain. Well they are excited now to. We call each other and visit. That’s right because we can see each other we now visit, it’s great. I actually connect my video phone to my 60 inch big screen television and visit in life size. When my wife and I travel we take one with us and our kids can call us. So we are never out of touch now, we used to use the cell phones when we travel, but the phone companies were charging us roaming. Not with our video phones. Everywhere you go now, hotels and motels even friends houses they have internet. We just plug the phone in and within 2 minuets we have our phone with our home phone number and we get our messages. Did you know that when you stay at a hotel they charge you to use the phone? Well with our video phone we never pay for phone calls anymore.
You see this truly is something to get excited about. I joined the company. Not everyone will but soon everyone will have a video phone. I did mention it was less expensive than our old phone right? Well so much less that we got 2 so that we can always have one with us when we go away. Tell you what, the 2 phones with all the calling features you can get, local phone number and video capabilities cost us the same as 1 conventional analog phone. In summery I have 2 completely independent phones and numbers that are portable and digital and video capable for the cost of 1 regular one line house phone that you cant see the person your talking to, or take the phone and line with you?

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