I’ve been exploring the internet, this gift of technology.
Truly, a sea of information on the net! It’s unbelievable but it’s real! We have engines that drive cyber culture, new media, and digital arts, among others. They’re modern layers of control and communication that unite lives and people.
Clicking from site to site takes you to different people who shares entertainment and knowledge, where only hard bound books/materials offered before. Today, you meet with media scholars that act as messengers: teachers, students, professionals, and people serving people. On a survey, from You Tube “People today do multi-tasking, and works more than 24 hours,” like studying, eating, doing phone calls, and working at the same time. This should mark an advancement of our lives. Yet, how far can our bodies stand stress and the demands of modern technology?
But here’s the good news, that even if there are no visible classrooms, teachers, and people around; the human brain expands to the fullest. The net android has walked far, and keeps running steadfastly. Next time, who knows, it could transform, fly, and talk with just one key pressed. Watch Star Trek and/or the Transformers!
Also, private managed tele-presence right in your office, and international meeting schedules can take place on a per/day pay and arrangement. This is brought by PLDT presence in partnership with other establishments. It’s the hottest collaboration tool, now. Mr. Manny Pangilinan, is the man behind PLDT success, with the community.
“The experience leaves you feeling like you have actually met the people on the other end of the line/net, with no delay. Everyone’s gestures are obvious and clear. It looks like people are sitting side by side. It’s an epiphany,” says one PLDT expert in a conference (Hot Joe, Magazine).
Online classes around the world are being conducted round the clock. Moreover, “Facebook” on the net – binds families, friends and communities together. Time Magazine puts Mark Zuckerberg (one of the youngest individuals, ever to be named by Time), as the “Person of the Year” (2010). Mark is the co-founder of the social-networking site Facebook.
Using the World Wide Web adds new and stronger communities of the world. Its magic is real. I mean everyone finds amazement and can relate online. Cyber culture is a gift of technology to the world/us. Using it wisely and sharing its benefits to everyone will bring us farther, more than what we can think about now.
Thank God for cyberspace!
Happy surfing!

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