Competing in the restaurant industry can be difficult with so many different choices for consumers out there. However, you can convince many people to come in by bringing technological advancements that many other restaurants still don’t have installed. With something like touch screen pos system that has been added in many different establishments, look into these new technologies that you might be seeing pop up everywhere around.

Mobile Ordering

For a couple of years now, getting delivery by using an app on your phone has been popular. But what if you could order from your phone even if you are sitting in the restaurant? This idea can have multiple advantages that customers might want to take advantage of. First, customers could fully customize their order without having to talk to someone in person. This can be advantageous for many as you might not want to stand up there and remember every single customization you want for each item. Additionally, you could offer the service of being able to sit down by yourself, so you don’t have to wait long for a server to come by. Adding mobile order options could bring in many who wouldn’t come into a restaurant before.


If you’ve ever been to a restaurant before, you know that waiting for your food can take a long time and be boring. A good idea to get people in is to entertain them while they are waiting at their tables. A way you can do this is to offer touch-screen devices at every single table. With these devices, customers could watch television channels by using an on-screen guide or even play popular arcade games to pass the time. Before they know it, their food will be there, so they won’t have any complaints about how long the food took. Consider adding entertainment when you want to bring in new customers.

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Mobile Payment

Mobile order might be something that you’ve already had in mind in terms of getting food to a customer’s table, but have you ever thought about mobile payment? This could work by giving every customer a number that they can insert into your restaurant’s mobile app. From there, they can enter in the number in which then they will be able to pay for their bill via an app. This can make it convenient as they would be able to pay and leave whenever without having to wait for a server to come by multiple times. Think about adding mobile payment if you want to offer a unique service to your customers.


As technology continues to develop, your customer’s expectations will. Always look into what other leading restaurants are doing so you can get a good feel of what customers are using. Additionally, always ask for surveys from customers as direct feedback is usually the best kind that you can get. You should be good to go on creating a long-lasting restaurant after your additions.