Technology has changed so much since way back when. Telethons were all the rage to push the hearts of people to give a large sum amount of donations to help reach their goals. Another place to give was at church, where people would place their money inside the offering plate as it was passed down the aisles, was the norm. Now, with the changing of technology and social media platforms, telethons have become a thing of the past while, although, offering plates still exists, donations have decreased, tremendously. Thankfully, there are plenty of other ways now to support in a much easier approach than it used to be, and it has made the desire of giving, greater than before.

Nowadays, it’s as easy as downloading a church giving app to make donations. Since the needs are still there for nonprofit organizations, and not being able to bring in a profit, it has become more beneficial to make donations an easier source to receive. Donation software has catapulted corporations, celebrities, and the everyday people, to donate to their charities or foundations just by a simple click on their phone. Celebrities, alone, has helped increase donations just by who they are, allowing more people to give. That is why these forms of software are detrimental to giving to churches and other nonprofit organizations that needs financial help. Because the need is great in helping communities and its purposes to keep the nonprofits to continue to move forward, donation apps has allowed churches, charities, and other nonprofit organizations to gain a greater sum of money for their needs.

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Outside of philanthropist donations, these types of apps are a great way for church members to give as well. It provides members or non-members an option to give their offerings and tithes, as like many Christian churches do. Tithes and offering, are one of the main resources some churches require. Sowing seeds into ministries with donation apps can also increase the growth of churches from the smallest to the largest. It helps serve the purpose of the needs of the church and its community-based programs. Church is considered a sanctuary for most, allowing the hopeless, hope, and the lost, found, it requires the needs of others to help provide the needs of their cause.

Since donations has increased over the years from lack of participation, these types of software’s are now allowing people the ease of giving to a good cause. It has begun to allow nonprofits to be put, once again, in the spotlight for corporations to participate and give. It is now building relationships and stronger foundations in companies in their giving to the environment or community-based organizations, as it is now a necessity, while apps like these are giving them less work for them to do, too.

Lastly, the significance of donation apps are and will always be a great resource when making donations towards a greater cause. As the needs increase the use for software apps for giving, seems like it will always be necessary and could only expand. As like the telethons that lasted for a long time, donation apps may be the one that will continue to last much longer.

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