Technology and Science are innovating new things everyday. You could not imagine the gadgets which you have today in your daily use. Here are the best “far-future’ gadgets that actually do exist and you may be able to order them on an Amazon.
1. GE VScan
In the Star Trek movies, a tricorder gives a quick and easy diagnosis. This GE medical scanner is of same technology and almost works as an ultrasound. This pocket device having a size of a small mobile phone, weighs less than a kilogram. Its scanning period is of almost two minutes.
2. Cyclone Power Technologies
In Back to the Future films, a DeLorean runs on scrap. Cyclone Power has a vapors engine that runs on fuel made up of orange peels, familiar with any biodegradable agent or a corn husk. Fossil fuel is not used in it to save environment.
3. Satay Healthy Body Fat Analyzer
A fat body could transform you in fattier alien creature. This body fat analyzer does not go so far it transfer a mild electric shock through your body and measures the body fat which in result gives you a report that how much weight you are suppose to lose.
4. Geo Fencing
Many authors wrote about and vehicles can “Geo-located” by revolving satellites. Your location can be detected by your cell phone any time. In coming next few years, real estate agents will feed listings to you as you walk by a new home for sale.
5. Lonator
It is a hand held gun, futuristic enough that when you use it you will feel like you are wearing a star trek in uniform. The lonator, by a small company looks like something from the book. It kills germs by spraying a chemical that separates grime from the counter-tops.

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